A tribute evening for our longest-serving and most erudite member, Giles Armstrong, whose uncompromising critiques of plays have terrified generations of Player Playwrights writers.
For decades, Giles has set the tone for Player Playwrights, and is probably the reason why our discussions of plays are as forthright and ferocious as they are. In other groups it’s often considered unkind to say directly that a play isn’t any good, even if you think it; in Player Playwrights, it’s the expected courtesy, and that’s largely because Giles makes it so.
Giles has also served on the committee longer than anyone else, and has run the competitions for longer than any living person can remember. He has also entered them – regularly, enthusiastically, prolifically, and often successfully.
So we have four of his best ten minute competition entries to show off, plus tributes; plus we will, for the first time, learn something about the man behind the voice. Who is he, and what makes him tick?
And there will be a special cabaret item. We can’t tell you what it is, because we haven’t told Giles, and we don’t intend to.
It should be a fun evening for all P-P members. And we hope especially to see some old friends who haven’t been able to come recently, but who remember Giles with affection, respect, and, frequently, terror.
Admission: Free