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The Truth about Gatsby by Peter Briffa, 7.30pm, Monday 13 June 2022, ZOOM

Updated: Jan 11, 2023

On January 1 2021 The Great Gatsby entered the public domain, meaning that anyone and everyone could write their own version. This is Peter Briffa’s.

In this three-hander set on the morning after the death of Myrtle Wilson, Peter addresses two questions glossed over by all four of the movie adaptations: why doesn’t Gatsby just leave, and why is Nick Carraway so obsessed with him?

Peter has been a member of Player-Playwrights for over twenty years and was Programme Secretary for three. He has had numerous readings, three of which have gone on to full production.

This will be online on Zoom, and is free for all members.

During lockdown Player Playwright went online. The online events proved a success and so for this coming season we plan to alternate between live events at our traditional home, Upstairs at the North London Tavern, and online via Zoom.

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