In the regional offices of Icarus Media Productions, script manager and sometime actor Jimmy King receives an urgent call from company boss Anthea La-di-da. News from the Big Smoke is not good. With the business leaking cash urgent steps are needed to ward off office closure. But in a last ditch attempt to avert catastrophe Jimmy unleashes forces far more destructive.
JIMMY KING, producer Jonathan Hansler
VIRGINIA KIRBY, Jimmy’s Executive Assistant Lynne O’Sullivan
EDMUND BLACK, summer intern David Malcolm
MEGAN FOURIE, summer intern Lucy Penrose
Estimated running time: 1 hour and 40 minutes.
Tom is a former lawyer now writing plays for stage and radio, and volunteering in the areas of criminal justice, suicide prevention and dementia.
This will be on Zoom and available to all Members. If you want to join us, please see below for how to become a Member.
During lockdown Player Playwright went online. The online events proved a success and so for this coming season we plan to alternate between live events at our traditional home, Upstairs at the North London Tavern, and online via Zoom.