Next year Player Playwrights is creating its own Youtube channel.
To begin with, we will only post short monologues on it – maximum length 15 minutes or so. These will be easy to record to a high standard without encountering awkward social distancing problems.
In order to find the first few monologues to post, the PP meeting on Monday 18 January will be a Monologues Evening.
Monologues sent in by our writer members will be performed that evening by our actor members. They will then be mentored to make them as good as they can be, and we hope to launch the channel in February.
If you have a monologue you would like to offer for performance on 18 January, please send it to Lynne O’Sullivan at
Please make sure Lynne receives them BEFORE CHRISTMAS so they have time to go through a mentoring process, after which they may be selected for performance on 18 January. From those performed on 18 January, the first plays to go onto our Youtube channel will be selected by a panel of experts.