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7.30pm, Monday 31 October Harry and Rose by Francis Beckett  - Upstairs@North London Tavern   


Updated: Jan 11, 2023

The fascinating, true story of Harry Pollitt, leader of Britain’s communists from the 1920s to the 1950s, and Rose Cohen, a courier for the Communist International in the 1920s.  

Harry loved Rose, but she married Soviet agent Max Petrovsky and went to Moscow just in time to come under suspicion in the paranoid atmosphere of Stalin’s purges. What happened next strained Harry’s loyalty to the political ideas that defined his life.

Francis Beckett is a journalist who wants to be a playwright when he grows up.  His first play was broadcast on LBC and won the Independent Radio Drama Productions award that year.

Other plays have had successful fringe runs and are published, either by Samuel French or TSL

Books. The most recent is A Modest Little Man, about Clem Attlee and the welfare state.

During lockdown and post lockdowns Player Playwright went partially online. For this new season we are still holding some evenings on line, but all of our new play readings will take place in person Upstairs@NorthLondon Tavern. 

We made this decision after discussions with our authors who, overwhelmingly, told us that they value the in-person feedback of a live audience.

Members attending Monday night events pay £3 on the door. Non-members are very welcome to come along and pay £4 on the door.


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